Can Indian Christians Adopt?
Currently the position in India is such that this question can neither be answered in the positive nor can it be answered in the negative. This is premised on the fact that there is no statute governing adoption amongst Christians and therefore the law is largely determined through diverse customs and conflicting judicial decisions. This question is further complicated due to diverse positions relating to adoptions in case of abandoned children, adoptions by guardians and adoption from original parents. The customs in which Indian Christians are allowed to adopt are the agricultural tribes of Punjab ( Sohan Lal V. A.Z. Makuin, AIR 1929 Lahore 230 ) and the Syrian Christians of Travancore, Kerala. (Rao Bahadur L.K. Anantakrishna Ayyar in “the Anthropology of Syrian Christians”.) On the other hand, customs in Goa have apparently considered adoption to be legally impermissible. ( Carlos Tavora and Ors. v. Maria Felicidade Fernandes e Lobo and Ors. ) As far as judicial decisions are c...